OpenUtilities Substation Help

Create Family

The New/Modify Family dialog lets the user create and modify a family which defines the configuration of a complex electrical device. Families are useful when a user needs to represent a device by showing multiple symbols on a logic diagram such as a schematic. Families let the user define parent and child relationships with cross references between them.

Accessed from:

  • Manage Ribbon > Catalog Group
Note: The user can also create a family while working on a drawing using the Family on the Fly function.
New Select the New button to create a new family. A default family structure will be created according to the currently selected family type in the Family Type pull-down.

Select the Open button to load an existing family from any catalog that you currently have loaded in Catalog Paths tab of the Setup dialog. The following dialog will be displayed for selecting a family:

Note: You can filter the list of families as you type in either the Family or Description fields of the first empty row in the grid.

Highlight the family you want and click OK to load it.

Save As

Select the Save As button if you want to save the current family and remain in the dialog so that you can make additional changes and save additional families based on the current information. The following dialog will be displayed:

Enter the desired family name or use the Browse button to select an existing family to overwrite.

Select the catalog that you want to save the family to from the Catalog Path pull-down. By default, the local catalog path will be displayed.

If you have the Components Center functionality enabled in the Options dialog, then paths to catalogs stored in the Components Center will be available (as shown above). Selecting one of these paths will save the family to the Components Center allowing it to be shared by all project participants within an organization.

If you are working in a ProjectWise Managed WorkSpace, the path to the ProjectWise directory will be displayed in the Catalog field. When the family is created, it is saved to the ProjectWise database.

The family type is displayed in the Details section of the dialog. Select the Save button to save the family to the catalog. If the family already exists you will be asked to confirm that you want to overwrite the existing family.

Application In the Components Center the project administrator may have uploaded catalogs from other applications. The selection from the application list defines in which application the symbol will be available for placement.
Note: This field is only enabled when a Components Center catalog path is selected.
Family Type

Select Standard, Cable, Terminal/Pin-Plug or Compound family type, depending on the type of device that is being represented.

  • Standard - Select if you wan to represent a basic parent child relationship with cross referencing between them such as a typical relay with a single coil and a set of contacts.
  • Compound - Select if you want to represent a multi-functional device (a single device or part that operates electrically as more than one device such as a Smart Protective Relay). This family type adds an additional level of hierarchy to the family structure named Core Tag which enables you to define unique parent and child relationships under each unique core tag.
  • Terminal/Pin-Plug - Select if you want to represent either a terminal or pin-plug. With this family type you have the option of including a parent role if you need one.
  • Cable - Select if you want to represent a cable by defining the cores (conductors) of the cable as different roles in the family.
Note: You can change the family type at any time while you are editing a family and the software will attempt to convert the current information you have into the new family type, but converting from a compound family type to another type will lose the existing core tag information.

When you select the Add drop down button you can choose to add any of the following elements to your family structure:

  • Add Core Tag - This option is only available when your family type is set to Compound. This adds a new Core Tag to the family structure which you can rename in the Family Structure tree. You can then add parent and child roles to this new core tag.
  • Add Parent Role - This option is not available for Cable type families since the parent role doesn't apply to cables. You are only allowed one parent role for each core tag in a compound family and it will add a parent role to the core tag you currently have focus set to in the Family Structure tree. You are only allowed one parent overall for a standard or Terminal/Pin-Plug type family.
  • Add Child Role - This option is not available for cable type families since the child role doesn't apply to cables. This adds a new child role to the family structure. In the case of a compound family it will add the child to the currently focused core tag in the Family Structure tree.
  • Add Conductor Role - This option is only available for cable type families. This adds a new conductor role to the Family Structure tree.
  • Add Terminal/Pin Role - This option is only available for Terminal/Pin-Plug type families. This adds a new Terminal/Pin role to the Family Structure tree.
  • Add Alternate Symbol - This option is only available if you select either a Parent, Child, Conductor, or Terminal/Pin role in the Family Structure tree. This adds a new alternate to the currently selected role. Alternates allow you to define alternative choices of symbols or connection points which can be placed for this role. You are only permitted to use one alternate for a given role, but you can choose from any of the alternates defined in the family.

Rather than manually assigning numbers to each connection point or terminal, you can select the Auto Number button. When you do, the following Auto Number dialog will appear.

Select Connection Point or Terminal Number, depending on what you wish to number, then enter the first number or character in the Starting Number/Character field. Numbers will be assigned automatically based on the number of connection points or terminals that the selected symbol has.

Cut When you select the Cut button it determines what data to cut to the clipboard based on what you have focus set to in the dialog. You can cut information in the data grid or from the Family Structure tree. Data that you cut will be removed from the family and available for pasting from the clipboard.
Copy When you select the Copy button it determines what data to copy to the clipboard based on what you have focus set to in the dialog. You can copy information in the data grid or from the Family Structure tree. Data that you copy will be available for pasting from the clipboard.
Paste When you select the Paste button the software will attempt to paste the data from the clipboard to either the data grid or the Family Structure tree depending upon where focus is currently set in the dialog. If you attempt to paste the wrong type of data to the currently focused control you may receive an unable to paste message.
Delete When you select the Delete button it determines what data to delete based on what you have focus set to in the dialog. You can delete information in the data grid or from the Family Structure tree. Data that you delete will be removed from the family. Depending upon the family type and what you have selected you may not be allowed to delete the information. In these cases you will receive a message letting you know that you are not allowed to delete the item.
Family Structure

The Family Structure tree shows the hierarchy of your family. Depending upon the type of family you have the levels in the hierarchy will be different.

For Compound type families you will have the following levels in the family structure:

  • Core Tag
    • Role
      • Alternate
    • Cross Reference

For all other family types the Core Tag level will not be present and the Xref node will not exist for a Cable Type family.

Note: The family structure is a control that you can pin or rollup if you want to hide it temporarily. You can mouse over the rolled up control and it will roll out again. You can also detach it and dock it on the other side of the dialog for example.
Data Grid (Editing Roles)

In the case of a Compound family, the data is first grouped by Core Tag and then by Role. For all other family types the data is only grouped by Role since Core Tags are not present. In the data grid you can enter the detailed information for your family such as what symbols to use and what the CP Text should be.

The Data Grid dynamically adjusts its display based upon the node you have selected in the Family Structure. If the root of the tree is selected you will see all the Core tag and Role data for the entire family at once. If, however, you select a sub level in the tree then only that level of data will be displayed for the selected node and the other data will be filtered out making it easier for you to focus on the information you are interested in.

The data grid will display the following fields:

  • Role - The name of the role is automatically created by the software based on the type of role that it is. The role could be of type Parent, Child, Conductor, or Terminal/Pin depending upon the family type and the specific role.
  • Role Description - You can optionally enter a description for the role which can be useful when selecting a role to place from the family later. The role description can also be displayed on the drawing if the symbol you are placing for this role was created with an attribute named FamilyRoleDesc.
  • Symbol - Enter the name of the symbol you want to use for this role. You may also click the Browse button to browse to the symbol in your catalog.
  • CP - Enter the connection point text for the symbol that you have selected. Each connection point on the symbol can have a corresponding text entry.
    • You can comma separate each connection point text and the software will match up the text with the connection point based upon the sequence number of the connection points and the order you list the text in.
    • If you want a portion of the text to be hidden (not displayed on the drawing) you can surround that part of the text with @ symbols like this: A1@HOT@ where A1 will be displayed, but HOT will not be shown on the drawing.
    • You may click the Browse button in the CP Text field to bring up the following advanced editor where you can see how many connection points you have and can more easily enter the visible and hidden text.

When you click OK the CP text will be concatenated together and displayed in the CP Text field of the data grid.

  • Terminal No. - This field will only be displayed if the Family Type is set to Terminal/Pin-Plug. You can optionally enter a terminal number that will be assigned to the symbol you want to use for this role. If you leave the field blank you can still enter a terminal number at the time when you place the symbol.
Data Grid (Editing Cross References)

The Cross Reference symbol is used to provide cross referencing between the parent symbol and all the related children. It's a graphical symbol that identifies the drawing and position of all the children that have been placed which relate to the parent symbol. In a compound family you can have a parent for every core tag and, therefore, you are also able to specify a different cross reference symbol for each core tag.

If you select a Cross Reference node in the Family Structure the data grid will change its display to show the following fields:

  • Cross Reference Symbol - Enter the name of the cross reference symbol you want to appear in relationship to the parent symbol. You may also click the Browse button to browse to the symbol in your catalog.
  • X Offset - Enter the distance in the X direction that you want the Cross Reference symbol to be offset from the parent symbol's insertion point.
  • Y Offset - Enter the distance in the Y direction that you want the Cross Reference symbol to be offset from either the parent symbol's insertion point or the origin of the drawing depending upon the value of the Y Offset Relative To setting.
  • Y Offset Relative To - Select Parent from the pull-down if you want the Y Offset to be relative to the insertion point of the parent symbol or select Origin if you want the Y Offset to be relative to the origin of the drawing which is typically (0,0) unless otherwise specified.

The Descriptions panel by default is docked to the right side of the dialog and rolled up as a tab. If you mouse over the tab it will expand as shown here:

You can enter a description for any of the fields shown.

Note: The Gauge and Cable Type fields are only displayed for a Cable type family.
Note: If you want to make use of foreign language text phrases so that the text can be translated based on your language settings you can click the Browse button to bring up the list of your language phrases and select one. You can add multiple phrases to the same description if you wish by picking them one at a time.
Note: The Descriptions panel is a control that you can pin or rollup if you want to hide it temporarily. You can mouse over the rolled up control and it will roll out again. You can also detach it and dock it on the other side of the dialog for example.
Potential Groups

The Potential Groups panel by default is docked to the right side of the dialog and rolled up as a tab. If you mouse over the tab it will expand as shown here:

If you wish to create potential groups within the family, select the Edit Group button to display the Edit Potential Group dialog. If two or more connection points on the symbol are given the same potential group number and are connected to wires, the same potential (wire number) will be assigned to these wires. In other words, the potential will carry through the symbol. This is useful when working with flex I/Os.

When creating terminal symbols, the same potential group number is assigned to all connection points by default.

A default potential group name is assigned to each connection point. To create a group where the potential will pass through the symbol, edit the Group Names so that both connection points have the same group name. Select OK to save the changes.

Potential groups defined in a family will override any potential groups that were defined during symbol creation.

Note: The Potential Groups panel is a control that you can pin or rollup if you want to hide it temporarily. You can mouse over the rolled up control and it will roll out again. You can also detach it and dock it on the other side of the dialog for example.

Select the Save button if you want to save the current family and close out of the dialog. The following dialog will be displayed:

Enter the desired family name or use the Browse button to select an existing family to overwrite.

Select the catalog that you want to save the family to from the Catalog Path pull-down.

The family type is displayed in the Details section of the dialog. Select the Save button to save the family to the catalog. If the family already exists you will be asked to confirm that you want to overwrite the existing family.